
Client’s Rights to Confidentiality:

You may question or refuse any suggested therapeutic or diagnostic procedure or methods at any time. If we are unable to agree on treatment methods, a referral can be given, or therapy can be discontinued. Clients are also assured of confidentiality. There are exceptions to confidentiality that are legally mandated. In general terms, these exceptions are (1) the law requires that I notify relevant others if I judge that a client has intention to harm another individual; (2) I am also obliged by the law to report an incident of suspected child or elder abuse, neglect, or molestation in order to protect the children or elder involved; (3) in legal cases, I or my records may be subpoenaed by the court; (4) if you are requesting my services as the parent or guardian of a minor, I may not release specific information but do feel it is appropriate to discuss your child’s progress and your participation in the treatment. I may need a copy of a divorce decree to verify guardianship. Otherwise, confidentiality will be maintained unless you have a signed a completed “Release of Information” form giving me permission to discuss or provide information with specified others. HIPPA laws also protect you. A copy is in the office for your review at your initial appointment and you may ask for a clarification of these protections at any time.

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